• Add Yolanda Díaz considers the pact impossible and will present her candidacy without Podemos
  • Politics Total fracture between the 'purple' parliamentarians: 19 with Díaz and 19 with Podemos

First strong warning from Podemos to the PSOE so that it does not interfere in its internal dispute with Yolanda Díaz. And much less to help the vice president by missing Ione Belarra and Irene Montero. The way to send that message to La Moncloa, on the eve of the presentation of the candidacy of Sumar to the general elections, was to shoot against "the socialist José Félix Tezanos" accusing him of "manipulating" the data of the CIS with the aim of distorting the intention to vote of Unidas Podemos and thus offer the story of a formation to the low and punished by the unwanted consequences of the law of only yes is yes.

Beyond the arguments or the burden of proof on the specific case of the March poll, which is what is denounced, Podemos now opens that front in retaliation against Pedro Sánchez for the latest gestures that Moncloa has had against the two main purple leaders. And that in the party they interpret as an interference to wear down Montero and to ignore Belarra in the pulse they have with Díaz.

You don't have to go back long. In the case of the Minister of Equality, it has to do with the disavowal implied by the unilateral correction of the law of only yes is imposed by Sánchez to placate the controversy of sentence reductions. An issue that has caused one of the biggest internal crises within the coalition government.

In the case of the Minister of Social Rights, we must go to last Tuesday. Moncloa vetoed his appearance at a press conference after the Council of Ministers to present the approval of the Family Law, the star project of his department. Belarra had to resign himself to making a video later to publish it on social networks. And it's not the first time it's happened to him. It has already been ignored in the same way with the Animal Welfare standard.

The anger of Podemos that day was enormous and they considered it a maneuver of the PSOE related to the political moment that the space lives, convulsed by the confrontation between the purple party and Díaz. And, while the ministers of Podemos are left aside, Moncloa has been pampering the second vice president. The best example was the motion of censure, where he was given the opportunity to unofficially present his candidacy for the elections and shine in a very relevant debate. It was the staging of the Sánchez-Díaz electoral ticket.

After Tuesday's episode with Belarra, Podemos exploded the next day when a report from the Ser said that "socialist sources" claimed to be for facilitating Díaz's strategy and elevating it above Belarra and Montero. Pablo Iglesias and other members of Podemos made a flag with that. "I hope some comrades understand that the objective of this supposed 'help' of the PSOE is to destroy a political space with which they never wanted to govern. They forced two electoral repetitions for that and collaborated with the media sewer. If Anguita lived I think he would say it, "said then the former secretary general of Podemos, in a message, with historical reference included, for the leader of Sumar.


Just two days later Podemos launched the counterattack to the PSOE: it accuses Tezanos of the "manipulation" of the CIS polls. The complaint comes after five years in which parties, demoscopic experts and political scientists have been warning of it without Podemos raising its voice. So the controversy has a very propitious breeding ground to grow and to threaten the PSOE. Since, not in vain, a government party is accusing the Executive itself, on which the CIS depends, of committing a "very serious" fraud with the "partisan" use of a public institution.

Podemos did not want to go so far yesterday as to ask for the resignation of Tezanos, but he did say that explanations had to be given immediately, because we are facing a situation that "is unprecedented."

The Secretary of Organization of Podemos, Lilith Verstrynge, indicated yesterday that the "manipulation" in the March barometer consisted of changing the "methodology" to "harm" Unidas Podemos. He said that when accessing the microdata they detected that when asked about the vote, if someone answers "Sumar" – Díaz's project – it does not count in favor of Unidas Podemos, as before, but now that vote is lost and classified in the category of "other parties". In this way, he denounced, their electoral prospects decrease. Podemos emphasizes the moment. It occurred in the middle of the internal war for the law of only yes is yes and says that this gave rise to the publication of "fake news" saying that the party suffered wear and tear because of that rule.

"What a novelty," said the PP. "They did not care about the manipulation of the CIS until it also reached them. Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz have decided that Podemos is now also their adversary. No more, no less."


IU, unlike Podemos, emphasizes its absolute support for Yolanda Díaz and the consecration of its Sumar project, which is presented tomorrow in Madrid with the announcement of the candidacy of the vice president to the general elections. Alberto Garzón assures that it is "above all an opportunity" and says that from IU they do not face it as a "threat". This is highlighted by the federal coordinator of IU in the draft of the political report that he will present today to the direction of the organization, where he is explicit in the importance of "living up to the historical moment" to "widen" the space to the left of the PSOE. Sumar is, Garzón reflects, "an opportunity to rebuild the support and alliances broken in recent years: among all the factions of the transformative left bloc and, ultimately, among the left-wing electorate. An opportunity to add people outside the trajectory of recent years and who can be incorporated for the first time. An opportunity to regain the initiative and to endorse the coalition government but with a more favorable correlation of forces." For this reason, he rejects the temptation to seek a "defensive and identity withdrawal".

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  • Can
  • PSOE
  • CIS
  • Add
  • United We Can
  • Yolanda Diaz
  • Irene Montero
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Ione Belarra
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Jose Felix Tezanos
  • Articles Álvaro Carvajal