• Squatters invade the home of an 85-year-old woman: "They have thrown all their clothes into the street; I haven't told my mother yet, if she finds out, she'll die."

Daniel Esteve, head of Desokupa announced early on Wednesday: "The elderly are not touched. We are going to return the house to the 85-year-old woman who has been squatted her house in Lavapiés." This afternoon the squatters are already gone. The presence of the members of Desokupa has been enough to scare away the squatters, coming from the squatter house of La Quimera de Lavapiés who entered the floor of the EVM taking advantage of the fact that the octogenarian was admitted to the hospital. In addition, they threw several of their belongings, clothes, photographs and ornaments into the street. They also destroyed several pieces of furniture and began to receive visitors, which scared the neighbors for fear that the house would become a narcopiso.

For days María José, the daughter of the old woman, began a crusade to ask for help and to recover her mother's house. "She doesn't know anything, it's wrong. If I tell her, she dies on the spot, I have to bury her," he said.

Today Wednesday morning María José has returned to the squatted apartment. At noon two of the Moroccan squatters have already left the house threatening to kill their daughter: "We have kept your face, we are going to come for you," according to the daughter.

Around 17:00 p.m., Daniel Esteve and his team arrived at the block and gave an ultimatum to the sub-Saharan squatter. "If you don't leave, we're going to kick you out." They have knocked on the door and in a couple of minutes the squatter has left escorted by the members of desokupa. The neighbors of this corrala of Lavapiés have applauded the action and a group of people has chanted: "Out squatters, of our neighborhoods".

The police have arrived and have verified that there has been no incident and the daughter of the old woman has been able to enter the house. This afternoon the members of Desokupa have handed over the keys to their daughter and have verified that many belongings are missing from the floor.

According to The Trust Project criteria

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