The idea to help people with snow shoveling was born when the school was closed due to the heavy snowstorm.

"In the morning when I looked out the window, I saw that there was chaos everywhere. That's when we started helping the neighbours shovel," says Hugo Del Monte Lijon.

When they were done with the neighbors, Hugo Del Monte Lijon posted his phone number in a local Facebook group where he and friend Noah Eisenring offered their help. Then the phone started going hot.

"It kept ringing. People are very grateful," says Hugo Del Monte Lijon.

Received gift cards and coffee

The two guys offer their help completely free of charge to whoever needs it. But they have received both movie tickets and a local bakery has offered them cake and coffee.

"Especially many older people are struggling financially right now. Then we don't want to ask for money. People get excited, it's enough as payment," says Hugo Del Monte Lijon.