In recent months, more people have applied to the second-hand store PMU in Umeå. The pressure has been so high that the store is starting to find it difficult to fill up with clothes. More collection boxes are now being introduced in Umeå.

"We have collection boxes here and there, but we need even more to meet the demand," says Birgitta Bengtson, store manager at PMU.

At the Red Cross, the same development is noticeable with increased sales. It's also not the same influx of clothes coming in.

"We've received signals that we're starting to run out of clothes. We notice a difference in the volume of clothes and that fewer branded clothes are coming in," says Magnus Lundén, Head of Unit at the Swedish Red Cross.

More young people are buying second hand

The increased interest is partly due to the fact that more people think about the environment, but also that prices differ from regular stores, says the store manager. She has also noticed that more young people are looking to the store.

"For me, it's economical and there are a lot of good things for children," says Helena Rydvall.

SVT has previously reported on the increase in demand for used clothes and other goods among several players in the second-hand industry, including in the Christmas gift trade.

When SVT visited PMU, the queue to the store was long – see the pressure in the clip