Trucks, buses and passenger cars were affected by the unreliable road conditions on the county's roads on Tuesday.

At 13 p.m., an accident occurred on 288 in which a bus blocked the road in a southbound direction, according to UL.

Just before 14 p.m., a bus drove into the ditch on Route 273 outside Alunda. As the doors could not be opened, the eight passengers and the driver were helped by emergency services to get out of a window. No one should have been seriously injured, UL said.

Around 15:30 p.m., a county bus drove off the road on Route 661 outside Gåvsta.

"We have arrived and have closed off the road. There are no injuries, the passengers have been taken out of the bus, says Christer Eriksson at the Greater Stockholm Rescue Centre after the accident.

The passengers had to travel on in another bus.