As a result of the nationwide protests in Iran, there have been alarms, among other things, about the death penalty for people who have expressed their dissatisfaction with the regime. Recently, it was also discovered how schoolgirls and women at universities in Iran have been subjected to poison attacks in their school environment.

4,048 kilometers away from Iran, the bridge between Östra Storgatan and Västra Storgatan in Jönköping shakes. It is exiled Iranians who are resolutely stomping on the ground while shouting "death to the dictator!".

"Responds with executions and rapes"

"It's very important because the dictatorship in Iran responds to all protests with executions and rapes," says Dour Mirdavodi Pourzadeh, chairman of the Iranian Association in Jönköping.

Hear her talk about the newfound community in the fight against injustice in Iran in the clip above.