Thyroid diseases are common conditions, and affect women and men, so how do a thyroid patient fast? Are there specific guidelines on taking medication in Ramadan?

Fasting patients with hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism occurs when it does not produce enough hormones, and is more common in women, especially those over the age of 60. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications, such as heart disease and infertility.

In Ramadan, thyroid patients often do not need treatment adjustments and can fast safely without any health risks, but first consult your physician.

When to take levothyroxine (Levothyroxine) in patients with hypothyroidism in Ramadan

Levothyroxine is usually taken orally on an empty stomach as recommended, because food and medications (cholestyramine resin, sucralate, iron sulfate, calcium preparations, antacids made of aluminum, raloxifene, activated charcoal, various soy products, foods and herbal remedies) affect its absorption.

Also, a high-fiber diet and early morning coffee may interfere with the absorption of levothyroxine, so, when taken with food, the absorption of levothyroxine is incomplete.

Patients taking thyroid hormone can take their tablets at the following times:

  • At bedtime provided that the stomach is empty
  • Half an hour before Suhoor

Fasting in hyperthyroidism patients

First, consult your physician, and usually if there are severe symptoms, the fast should be postponed.

An untreated patient may suffer from a condition called "thyrotoxic crisis" – caused by a high thyroid hormone level – an emergency that causes a person to develop fever, rapid heartbeat and delirium, and requires immediate emergency calls and immediate medical help.

Warning signs in a newly diagnosed or untreated thyrotoxic patient include:

  • Thirst
  • Drought
  • Diarrhea
  • Tachycardia

These symptoms can get worse if you fast for long periods.

Early diagnosis and treatment of thyrotoxicosis is an emergency.

Treatment time for hyperthyroidism patients in Ramadan

Patients with hyperthyroidism taking methimazole/carbimazole can continue their dose once or twice daily, while people taking propylthiouracil need to change treatment.

Hyperthyroidism patients with severe symptoms should start treatment immediately and can avoid fasting for a few days, according to a study published in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism.