Social media platforms in France witnessed a wave of anger and widespread sympathy over the death of a student of Arab origin, after suffering a heart attack, amid accusations that the school administration left him to face the fate of death alone.

The story began, according to local media, when all the students of "management science and technology" at a secondary school in the northern city of Lille, were busy passing an environmental law test, when 19-year-old Nazir fell to the ground.

The newspaper quoted "Voice of the North" for "Vinsan," a high school student, as saying, that "Nazir" fell unconscious directly, and when they are some colleagues to help him, they were ordered directly to return to their seats.

Malaise cardiaque pendant le bac à Gaston-Berger à #Lille : l’élève est décédé

— La Voix du Nord (@lavoixdunord) March 22, 2023

Another high school student said that Nazir was left for a while lying on the ground, before changing color and then an educational consultant was called, then civil protection teams attended and transferred the young man to the hospital, and tried to save him, but all attempts failed.

Activist Siham Asbagh asked on her Twitter account, "What did these adults say to each other to leave someone lifeless on earth and push others to continue their exams?"

Tweeters accused the school administration of racism, which made it leave the young Nazir in that state until he died.

On pense fort aux proches de Nadir. Allah y rahmo 🤲🏽 Courage à eux.

Et vraiment bravo & force aux camarades de classe qui ont réalisé les 1ers gestes de secours, ont interpellé les adultes, ont refusé de continuer dans ces conditions & ont raconté cette histoire. Des exemples👌🏽

— Sihame Assbague (@s_assbague) March 22, 2023

Others asserted that all those responsible for the secondary school who attended the incident deserved to be imprisoned.

The dean of the academy, Valerie Capuel, published a statement carried by local media, announcing the death of the young man and offering her condolences to all members of his family and loved ones.