The association Camping Öland consists of a total of 22 campsites. By the summer of 2023, the campsites are now fully investing. On the one hand, it is about renovations of existing buildings, but they are also investing in the expansion of solar cells.

According to Camping Öland, solar cells are being built for just over SEK 22 million, where the largest investments are made at Böda Sand, Lundegårds camping.

"At Böda, a solar park is being built for SEK 18 million, and at Lundegård they are investing SEK 4.5 million," says Camping Öland's chairman Hans Gerremo.

According to Hans Gerremo, it is partly about sustainability, but also about electricity prices skyrocketing.

"A small campsite has also set up a small windmill.

The tourists stay behind

According to Hans Gerremo, the pressure on the campsites remains high even after the pandemic, now due to the weak Swedish krona. Foreign guests seek out the island, and even the Swedish tourists seem to stay.

" Many people have become accustomed to the fact that it is possible to stay in Sweden, I think it will last for several years to come.

ARCHIVE: Camping on Öland purifies seawater for drinking water

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The seawater from the Baltic Sea is pumped into a plant and undergoes a purification process and then converted into clean drinking water. Hear more about the process in the video above. Photo: Karin Ahlgren/SVT