Stéphane Bern SEASON 2022 - 202316h00, March 22, 2023

Historically yours brings together three characters who are in another dimension: the architect and painter Leon Battista Alberti who theorized, in his treatise "De pictura", the principles of linear perspective allowing henceforth to represent landscapes, places and objects in three dimensions. Then the author, writer and voice of the series "The Twilight Zone" Rod Serling who used science fiction to divert censorship and show the American authoritarian drifts without looking like it. And a man more alive and so perched that he proclaimed himself "cosmic Christ" by announcing the end of the world in 2012, following a Mayan prediction: Sylvain Durif.



Yann Kerlau, writer Author of "Leon Battista Alberti, the magician of the Renaissance" (Albin Michel)


Philippe Poitiers, author of "The Fourth Dimension, morality at the service of the fantastic" (Omaké Books)