Ata Timber has confessed to crimes, and therefore there will be no trial without a so-called criminal injunction. However, if the company approves this particular sum on a corporate fine, Ata Timber's lawyer, Erik Danhard, does not want to comment.

"You can talk to the prosecutor, I have no comment whatsoever," he told SVT Småland.

Left truck picked up

It was in February 2021 that an employee at the sawmill lifted up a forklift to change a wheel. He then left it in that position and a couple of hours later one of his colleagues was found pinned under the truck, because the jack holding it up had come loose for some reason. The man, who was in his 50s, died from the injuries.

According to the prosecutor, the employer has not risk assessed the work and had unclear instructions. Therefore, the employees did not know how to carry out the work safely, nor did they have the right equipment.

No single person responsible

However, no single person at Ata Timber can be singled out as responsible for the deficiencies, according to responsible prosecutor Christer Forssman, at the National Unit for Environmental and Work Environment Goals.

– There is a circle of people who can be considered responsible for this criminal negligence, but it has not been possible to which of them had the ultimate responsibility, says Christer Forssman to SVT Småland.