Nina Pavan (in Marseille), edited by Romain Rouillard 19:55 pm, March 19, 2023

The continuation of the movement against the pension reform could lead to fuel shortages at French petrol stations. This is already the case in Marseille where the endless queues at the pump are back, a direct consequence of the blockage of refineries.

In Marseille, the strike movement of refiners against the pension reform is beginning to be felt in the city's gas stations. Fuel is running out in the Phocaean city and endless queues are starting to appear near gas stations. A situation strongly reminiscent of last October when refiners demanded better wages in the face of inflation.


READ ALSO – "We hurt capital": the refineries of Fos-sur-Mer at the time of the strike against pensions

This Sunday, Europe 1 went to the district of La Pomme in the eleventh arrondissement of Marseille where the largest gas station in the city is located. Spread over 400 meters, along the emergency lane, cars queue, looking for a few drops of fuel. For Mathilda and her mother, plunged into a "galley", this strike is the responsibility of the government. "What is the government waiting for to move? What do you want to do? The CGT, Force Ouvrière, they are defending us. It's for our children that they fight!" says Mathilda's mother.

"It's very, very hot"

Stuck in line for more than an hour, Riya also supports the strikers. "Yes it puts me in trouble but after, if we do not do that, we will not move forward. I went around Marseille and there I just arrived and I see that there is not too much gasoline either, "she says. "There is only SP98 but not for long," replies a manager of the station.

For his part, Hamza is disappointed after waiting 1 hour without being able to refuel. This Marseillais feels taken hostage and will barely have enough fuel to return home. "We all suffer. There, the refiners take us hostage. I work outside Marseille so it's very, very hot." Like almost all the stations in the city, La Pomme is in short supply and now lives to the rhythm of deliveries.