Emma Gustafsson takes SVT to a secret well out in the forest in Ånge municipality. There, under the snow, its protection against new frog invasions has been installed in the water supply network.

It was at the beginning of last summer that several private individuals, to their surprise, found frogs in their water pipes, a total of six frogs were found. It was when the municipality was forced to use a reserve water source that the frogs made their way into the water system.

"It's never fun to get things into the water supply network, so of course it could have been serious," says the municipality's water and wastewater manager Emma Gustafsson.

The frogs a national news

They found the problem and took samples that showed that the water had done well. And for Emma Gustafsson, it was an unusual and very intense week because the frog fadäsen became a big national news, but now they have made sure that it will not be able to happen again.

"We have put in a dirt filter after the fadäsen with the frogs that catch all the debris that could get into the wires," says Emma Gustafsson.

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Thomas Bäckman discovered the frog when the hot water ran out. Watch as he tries to pull the frog out of the water pipe in the video. Photo: Daniel Eckeskog, Thomas Bäckman / private