The drug tests are provided as urine samples and presented in classrooms as "general voluntary drug tests."

It is important that the student knows that they are voluntary, and above all that the student feels that they are really voluntary. Jo, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, has stated this several times when an involuntary urine sample would otherwise be counted as forced bodily intervention, which is against the law.

Conduct drug tests in Karlkrona's classes

For over three years, social educator Andreas Glingfors has conducted drug tests in upper secondary school classes in Karlskrona municipality. He does not remember the specific occasion in Alfie Carlsson's class, but believes that they are clear in the meetings with the students that the tests are voluntary. The information after three years of work goes on routine.

"The presentation is like a tape recording and this is how we present it," says Andreas Glingfors.

This is how a drug test works – see in the clip above.

Listen to municipal councillor Börje Dovstad about the tests.