Yanis Darras 15:44pm, March 16, 2023

With the arrival of milder temperatures, the processionary caterpillars of the pines are out. Moving in single file, these incest are endowed with stinging hairs that can be released into the air, causing itching, or conjunctivitis ... But solutions exist.

Rising temperature, sunshine: spring is back, bringing with it the return of flowers, leaves on trees... And processionary caterpillars. If they seem harmless when moving on the ground in single file, looking for shelter underground after leaving their cocoon in the pines, these caterpillars represent a danger to pets, but also to human beings.

Urticaria plaques

Because these insects are surrounded by stinging and allergenic hairs. And it is not necessary to touch them to be exposed, processionary caterpillars having the ability to disperse them according to the wind, especially when they feel in danger. Once in the air, the hairs come to grip on the clothes, and on our skin.

If exposed, they can cause urticaria plaques associated with severe itching, conjunctivitis in contact with the eyes, and sometimes respiratory distress. To relieve symptoms, health professionals recommend applying a cortisone-based cream, and taking antihistamine. It is also important to take a shower and wash your clothes, to prevent the spread of hair on the skin.

Precautions exist

But in 9 out of 10 cases, the symptoms are not serious, explains in a study published in June 2020, the National Agency for Health Security (ANSES). According to this study, only about 1,300 symptomatic cases were recorded between 2012 and 2019, two of them severe. However, no deaths have been reported. But in case of a strong allergic reaction, it is advisable to quickly call for help. A tip to apply also to children, especially if they put them in the mouth.

However, precautions exist. During walks between January and May in a place where pines are very present, it is advisable to wear long clothes, and to keep your distance from caterpillars, in case of encounter. Gestures also to apply in his garden, where it is advisable to garden with gloves, to avoid drying his laundry near infested trees, and to wash well the fruits and vegetables picked.

Finally, the French are invited never to sweep a procession of caterpillars, at the risk of causing a significant release of stinging hairs in the air.