On December 18, 2021, a security guard, on his way to the nightclub Birger Jarl, is shot with two shots in the legs. The man survived but suffered gunshot wounds. Soon after, a man in his 20s is arrested and later arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and aggravated weapons offences.

The indictment includes testimony that the man in the autumn ended up in conflict with the security guard and is forced to leave Birger Jarl.

Charged with aggravated weapons offense

In addition to the 20-year-old being charged with aggravated weapons offenses in connection with the shooting, he is also charged with aggravated weapons offenses and minor drug offenses. At the beginning of 2023, he allegedly had a semi-automatic pistol and ammunition in Sävja, and was under the influence – in the presence of children.

The man denies any wrongdoing.

See photos from the incident in the video below:

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A security guard was shot in the leg late Saturday night. Photo: Emergency Uppsala