During the pandemic years 2020 and 2021, many cultural practitioners struggled and were able to apply for financial support from the Swedish Arts Council. Eskilstunarevyn applied and was granted SEK 1.5 million in 2021 and SEK 890,000 in 2020.

As a condition for taking part in this state grant, the Swedish Arts Council required the recipients to report how the money has been used and what results have been achieved.

Despite the fact that the Swedish Arts Council has sent a number of reminders, Eskilstunarevyn has not reported how the money has been used.

"It's extremely unusual. Out of 4078 cases, we have 5 cases where non-reporting has resulted in recovery, says Magnus Boström, head of unit at the Swedish Arts Council.

The Swedish Arts Council has now decided that Eskilstunarevyn will pay back the entire sum of SEK 2.3 million. The case has therefore been forwarded to Kammarkollegiet's debt collection group, which must have sent out a payment demand.

SVT Sörmland has repeatedly sought the revue's CEO Mathilde Stavehaug without result.