Last autumn, IVO visited elderly care in Krokom municipality as part of a nationwide review of medical care in nursing homes. None of the municipalities made it without remarks.

In Krokom's case, the criticism is directed, among other things, at a lack of competence and language skills among staff who make medical assessments. IVO raised this point in its criticism, despite the fact that a significantly smaller proportion of nurses in Krokom see it as a problem compared to the national average.

– We will go through IVO's review and see what measures need to be taken, says medically responsible nurse Veronica Molander.

Criticized on several points

Other points that are raised are poor continuity in the staff group and that medication management is not considered patient-safe.

Even end-of-life care, palliative care, is not considered to follow the rules. This is because it has not been documented that so-called breakpoint calls have been made. These should be done when the patient transitions from regular care to palliative care.

IVO writes that the lack of documentation of these conversations may still mean that the conversation took place. The problem, they say, is that the patient's last time in life risks not being according to the wishes that should have been set up in the conversation when notes are not available.

In the clip, you can hear more about how Veronica Molinder views the criticism.