• Works This will be the new Puerta del Sol: more spaces, less chaos and without the dome of the Cercanías
  • Works Pavement at 90%, banks that flood and a fenced fountain: "Whenever we come to Madrid, Sol is raised"
  • Health Rat plague in Galapagar: "The rodents are there because it's a great place"

To the inconvenience caused by the time trial in the remodeling works of the Puerta del Sol, a new alarm has been added. According to the Neighborhood Association of Sol and Barrio de Las Letras, in recent days the presence of rodents has been detected roaming uncontrolled in the vicinity of kilometer zero, as shown by the recordings provided by the Regional Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Madrid (FRAVM). In them, you can see how these animals circulate between the waste of a container and the bags of debris, located between scaffolding near the square, which has caused concern and complaints among the residents of the neighborhood.

"We already had numerous findings about the lack of control of garbage, lack of cleanliness and possible appearances of rodents in the area," say the neighbors, who attribute this appearance "to the garbage cans and containers that accumulate at any time of the day." They accuse the disorder, above all, to the "catering establishments" of the area, to which they demand that "they take responsibility for complying with the regulations established regarding the custody and collection" of waste.

In fact, they emphasize that this practice has caused a "call effect", among "users of Housing for Tourist Use, visitors not recommended and people with uncivil attitudes", who have ended up turning certain spaces in the heart of the city into "authentic garbage dumps".

For the neighborhood group, this deterioration in the health of the vicinity of Sol, which they have been documenting graphically for weeks, responds to "an absolute neglect and the abandonment of their responsibilities by the City Council, in a service that we pay among all but that is not provided, "they accuse. Those responsible for the entity already warned of the impairment of cleaning, in a meeting held on February 22 with those responsible for Cleaning and Waste of the Consistory. In it, they warned in particular about the state of the axis of Espoz y Mina street and other adjacent ones, "derived from uncivil attitudes and poor waste collection."

They criticize the municipal executive and the delegate of Environment and Mobility, Borja Carabante, for "looking the other way". In addition, they condemn "the millionaire and unnecessary works to turn the Puerta del Sol into a plot", while its surroundings are "a focus of unhealthiness" with "food scraps, broken garbage bags, objects of all kinds, glass bottles everywhere, containers and cans, boxes and cartons, personal hygiene products, etc., at every step ", Detail.

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  • Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida