A French investigation revealed shocking information about the existence of discrimination suffered by students of Arab origin, especially during their academic studies in universities and research centers.

The French newspaper "Le Monde" published the results of the investigation conducted by the National Observatory for Discrimination and Equality in Higher Education, which included more than two thousand students distributed in various French cities, as it revealed that students with Arabic names were almost unable to find teachers for training. undergraduate.

A une simple demande d'information concern les modalities of candidature, les candidats ayant un patronyme d'origine maghrébine ont 11.2% de chance en moins d'obtenir une réponse.


— Le Monde (@lemondefr) March 10, 2023

Students tried to correspond with professors with fictitious names via e-mail in order to inquire about an attempt to obtain special training, among them Muhammad Masoudi, Rashida Saeed, Thomas Bernard and Valerie Leroy, so that it was surprising that Muhammad and Rashida almost came out of the correspondence with nostalgia, unlike the others.

The former spokesman for the French Ministry of Justice, Youssef Badr, said, through his Twitter account, that the results of the investigation "clearly prove the difficulty of combating the phenomenon of university dropout, with the rise in waves of racism within the university."

An étudiant avec un patronyme d'origine maghrébine a moins de réponses à ses demandes d'information en master comparé à un candidat avec un nom a une consonance française.


It's very different from the lutter contre le college enrollment.


- Youssef Badr (@Youss_Badr) March 11, 2023

Anti-racism activist Elias Imzalin stated that despite all the recent data and stories, talking about the spread of Islamophobia and racism remains taboo and will be labeled with the charge of separatism.

Mais non ce pays ne peut pas être Islamophobe et raciste.

D'ailleurs l'islamophobe ça n'existe pas.

The dire serait être séparatist… https://t.co/UAzAniY8sc

- Elias d'Imzalène (@imzalene) March 11, 2023

And last February, the French University of Versailles decided to suspend one of its professors as part of a precautionary measure after he described a student of Arab origin as a “dirty Arab,” which sparked widespread anger among the student bodies inside the university, according to Le Parisien newspaper. ).

A report issued by the Council of Europe on February 17, 2015 warned of the seriousness of the growth of racism, hatred and intolerance in France.

The report said Paris should "better confront, in a consistent and systematic manner" hate speech and acts of racism in the country.

He expressed his deep concern that these speeches and actions "are not only continuing, but are on the rise."

Among the findings of the report is that 80% of anti-Muslim acts in France are committed against women, and range from spitting to pulling the veil or niqab to verbal attacks.