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What will the education of the future be like?

There are numerous occasions on which I have been asked this question,

as if the success of educational centers depended on the ability to guess or intuit

, with more or less success, the model that will be used in classrooms in a few years. .

In the same way, it is insisted that many of the current professions will disappear, to make way for others that we do not even know about right now, and that

schools must prepare their students for this unknown professional offer


However, I am in favor of building the future rather than predicting it,

of contributing to improve education, and to improve the world through it, considering education to be the best engine of change

, instead of being the events that occur. in the world who determine the future of education.

In fact, education is supposed to prepare the citizens and professionals of the future and, therefore, it has a fundamental role in the model of society that we want to achieve.

Since its origins , schools

have been considered to be sources of knowledge

, using a metaphor that accurately represents the most traditional model, bearing in mind that in most cases

it was the only place that opened the door to knowledge


Currently, fortunately or unfortunately depending on the reliability of the sources,

the opportunities for access to information are endless

and the role of schools changes radically.

Continuing with the metaphor, educational centers, more than places where people go to drink or soak up information, have to become

spaces that generate a thirst for knowledge, that encourage curiosity among their students and that guide and accompany them in the process. of learning

, always putting the student at the center, making him the protagonist of his own learning.

This is precisely how we work at the school I run, La Dehesa de Humanes.

The student at school must find answers but, above all, they must find new questions

that help them continue to grow and develop, both as a person, with a solid formation in values, and academically, finding a

coach in the teacher

to achieve it and in their peers the support for teamwork.

But it is precisely here where we come across one of the great problems that, for many years,

has shaken the different educational systems and diminished the learning capacity and the level of school success of our children and young people

, making it one of the great challenges. of education: attention to real diversity and the personalization of learning.

We are committed to ensuring that all students learn the same,

but we have to be aware that not all learn in the same way and that each student is unique and different from the others

, which forces us to do two things: first of all, to know in depth to each of the students and, secondly, to respond to their needs, trying not to give everyone the same thing but to each one what they need.

And this is where innovation, technology accompanied by 'big data' and artificial intelligence, and teacher training play a key role


I am increasingly aware that in education

we must get out of the inbreeding in which we are trapped and open the doors to other professional sectors

that, through different successful experiences, illuminate and inspire numerous opportunities for improvement in the field of education. .

The educational meeting

Llevate el Éxito

, which recently held its third edition at the WiZink Center in Madrid, is a clear example of how other professional sectors can contribute to improving education,

training teachers and managers from different perspectives than the traditional ones. of educational centers, helping them to innovate and bring success back to their places of origin.

Precisely, in this meeting, we have had the opportunity to learn

how technology and the joint collaboration of experts in education and pedagogy, successful teachers and managers and professionals of recognized prestige from other sectors have been aligned

, to create a technological solution that solves the difficulty to adequately address the diversity and personalization of learning, hitherto neglected due to lack of resources and effective tools to achieve it.

His name is Nitii and he is going to mark a before and after in education

, in what I consider one of the greatest revolutions in this field, contributing

a tool to know each student individually, help teachers to have strategies to personalize learning

and adapt it to the needs of each one and provide

big data

that helps teachers, managers and governments in decision-making for reduce and even eliminate school failure.

Without a doubt,

the future of education and educational success depend on the ability to know each individual student and attend to their particular needs


Only in this way can we effectively build the education of the future.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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