NHK Party's member of the House of Councilors Gerthy announced on his SNS that he would not return to Japan from Turkey, where he was visiting, and announced his intention to be absent from the plenary session on the 8th, which was scheduled to be a punitive ``apology on the floor''. showed.

Next week, it is expected that consideration will be advanced in the direction of "expulsion" disqualification as a member of the Diet.

NHK Party member of the House of Councillors Gersey, who has stayed overseas and has continued to be absent from the Diet until now, was given the third-heaviest of the four disciplinary measures, ``apology at the floor of the Diet'', last month. He said that he would accept an apology at the plenary session of the House of Councilors on the same day.

However, on the 7th, he made a live broadcast on his SNS and Instagram from Turkey, where he was visiting, and revealed that he would not return to Japan.

For this reason, at the plenary session on the 8th, Chairman Otsuji will refer the disciplinary committee to review the disposition again.

The disciplinary committee plans to proceed with the examination after confirming whether there is an intention to explain to Rep. Garthy, saying that it is necessary to proceed with the procedure carefully.

And next week, it is expected that the most severe disciplinary action will be considered in the direction of "expulsion" to lose the qualification of a member of the Diet.