In addition to the gradual decline in the legal age of departure, this article 7 of the bill provides for the acceleration of the extension of the contribution period provided for by the Touraine reform of 2014, crystallizing criticism from the unions and the left.

"We are there, at the heart of your bill declared inadmissible by our people", launched Cathy Apourceau-Poly for the group CRCE with a communist majority.

Exceptionally in the Senate, the Communists marked this crucial stage in the debate by brandishing in the hemicycle signs bearing the inscription: "Retirement at 64: withdrawal".

A motion to refer the article to committee was rejected and the discussion started in a turbulent atmosphere.

"Here we are, here we are", also welcomed the rapporteur LR René-Paul Savary, while the president of the Social Affairs Committee, Catherine Deroche (LR), was angry with the left: "I am a little fed up with these remarks, here, saying + but what do you know about work + (...) What do you know, you, of our origins?

Pension reform: a special procedure © Sylvie HUSSON / AFP

Article 7 is the flagship measure of the amending Social Security financing bill (PLFSSR) examined at first reading by the senators, and which could not be addressed by the deputies.

In the National Assembly, the debates had been greatly slowed down by the thousands of amendments tabled in particular by the elected representatives of La France insoumise (LFI).

The party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon has no elected to the Senate.

"You are in the minority"

According to the government's plan, the legal retirement age must be gradually raised from 62 to 64, at the rate of 3 months per year from September 1, 2023 until 2030.

In addition, to obtain a "full rate" pension (without discount), the required contribution period will increase from the current 42 years (168 quarters) to 43 years (172 quarters) by 2027, at the rate of one quarter per year.

Predicting long and lively debates, more than 1,300 amendments have been tabled on this article, on which the left wants a vote, to "enlighten" the French.

By Sunday midnight, the right-wing senatorial majority, in favor of the reform, aims to go to the end of the text and the final vote.

Before embarking on the examination of article 7, the senators adopted by 236 votes against 103 the first "revenue" part of the bill, "a crucial step", welcomed the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal .

The entire afternoon discussion, once again almost exclusively led by the left, echoed the significant mobilization in the streets against the reform.

Senators on the left hailed one after the other the demonstrations organized in their constituency.

"Villages, rural areas too, are mobilizing," said the president of the environmental group, Guillaume Gontard.

"You are in the minority tonight. You will have to respond to what has just been expressed strongly in the street," said the communist Fabien Gay.

Discussions will continue in the evening.

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