Aquaculture is concerned with growing plants and fish in ponds (farms) rather than harvesting them from their natural environment, and includes the cultivation of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants.

Aquaculture is commonly practiced in freshwater or seawater and contributes to enriching biodiversity and addressing habitat loss in freshwater and marine ecosystems globally, and new research enumerates 12 benefits to aquaculture if used wisely.

Multiple environmental benefits

In new research published in Conservation Biology, University of Melbourne researchers identify 12 potential environmental benefits of aquaculture.

These include species recovery, habitat restoration, rehabilitation and protection, and removal of surplus species.

The potential environmental benefits of aquaculture have been the subject of interest and study for many years, with “most people across the world living near fresh water or marine ecosystems, and we depend on them as sources of food, tourism, recreation, culture and livelihoods.” However, our impact on freshwater and marine ecosystems is degrading important habitats and causing rapid declines in biodiversity.

“While the negative impacts of some types of aquaculture are well known, we can also use aquaculture as a tool to slow or stop these negative impacts and help restore ecosystems that have been largely lost over the past century,” Overton added, explaining some of the benefits. Seaweed and shellfish farmed in coastal waters can remove excess nutrients coming from urban or agricultural streams and reduce the potential for toxic algal blooms that kill fish and other native organisms.”

In addition, the researchers found that there are a range of new ways that conservationists are using aquaculture techniques to find new ways to restore or conserve species and habitats, Overton states in this regard that "the largest conservation organization in the world - The Nature Conservancy The Nature Conservancy (TNC) - has pioneered the use of aquaculture to restore lost marine ecosystems."

Restoration of the phylum and protection from extinction

Dr Simon Branigan of The Nature Conservancy Australia said: “Aquaculture is a key part of our process of rebuilding lost coral reefs by raising young oysters and mussels to start the process of reef restoration. Coral reefs with abundant shellfish create powerful ecological benefits. They are important habitats for a range of marine species, improving water quality, and noting that "without aquaculture, we will fight to restore these lost marine habitats and accomplish this important conservation work."

The press release also states that aquaculture is also being used to help restore threatened or endangered fish populations around the world, by "repopulating" farmed fish back into their habitats, Ms. Overton says: "Programs are trying to restore fish species like sturgeon." North American white, India's golden grouse and Australia's macarie can restore rare populations and halt extinctions," says Dr Luke Barrett, co-author and researcher at the University of Melbourne.

Cultivation in homes

“Most species that live in freshwater aquariums are now farmed, which means you can stock your home aquarium without contributing to overfishing of rare and endangered populations,” says Dr Barrett. and coral reefs - a population of corals for the home aquarium trade. Researchers around the world are working on developing ways to breed these species as well, relieving some of the pressure on the rare populations."

Fighting "greenwashing"

The research team also highlights the importance of using measurable indicators of success. "By requiring a high level of evidence to label something as 'environmentally beneficial', co-author and University of Melbourne professor Tim Dempster says this reduces the likelihood of 'greenwashing', as it may "The aquaculture industries claim to provide environmental benefits. We want to make sure that aquaculture practitioners monitor their environmental impact before claiming that their farm is creating environmental benefits. Just because an aquaculture business offers one positive thing, it does not mean that it will deliver an overall benefit to the environment." Professor Dempster stresses that it is important to assess the overall effects when determining whether something is environmentally beneficial or not.

In the statement, the researchers say that with the expansion of freshwater and ocean aquaculture, there is an opportunity to avoid the mistakes people made farming on land that led to loss of habitat and biodiversity.

"We want people to reimagine what aquaculture is and what it can do, and to show people how it can be used as a tool to protect aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity for future generations," concludes Professor Dempster.