• Events Accident of a DGT Pegasus helicopter in Madrid


Civil Guard

has arrested the pilot of a helicopter from the

Directorate General of Traffic

(DGT) who crashed while making an emergency landing this Sunday in the Madrid town of

Robledo de Chavela

, testing positive for

cocaine and amphetamines.

Sources of the investigation have indicated to EFE that the pilot is accused of a crime against air safety.

The event took place after 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, when a DGT Europter 355N fell at kilometer 2 of the M-512 highway.

On board the aircraft were the pilot and a Traffic official, who were slightly injured after the emergency landing.

Neither of the two crew members belongs to the Civil Guard, whose agents were precisely in charge of carrying out the

breathalyzer and drug tests on the pilot

and arresting him when they were positive.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Civil Guard

  • Air accidents