In order to maximize the use of nuclear power generation for the realization of a decarbonized society, the government decided at a cabinet meeting on the 28th a bill that would allow the operating period of nuclear power plants, which is said to be up to 60 years, to be substantially extended. bottom.

At the cabinet meeting on the 28th, the government decided on a bill to partially revise the Electricity Business Act and the Nuclear Reactor Regulation Act.

As a result, it is said that the maximum operating period of nuclear power plants, which is set to 60 years under the current law, will be allowed to substantially exceed the upper limit, excluding the period of suspension due to review etc.

In addition, after 30 years from the start of operation, it is necessary to check the deterioration status of equipment and facilities every 10 years or less, formulate a management plan, and obtain approval from the Nuclear Regulation Authority.

In addition, in order to promote the introduction of renewable energy such as solar power, a new system will be established for the government to certify transmission line development plans, and subsidies will be provided to certified operators.

On the 13th of this month, the Nuclear Regulation Authority voted on a new system to deal with the aging of nuclear power plants, but one of the commissioners opposed it and the decision was made by an unusual majority. .

For this reason, the Cabinet decision, which was originally scheduled for the end of this month, was postponed until the 28th of the month, as it was necessary to try to dispel the anxiety of the people.

The government hopes to enact a series of bills during the current ordinary session of the Diet, but it is likely that there will be lively debate in the Diet over the ideal form of energy policy, including the utilization of nuclear power plants.

Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Nishimura "I want to explain in an easy-to-understand manner"

At a press conference after the cabinet meeting, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Nishimura expressed his intention to provide a detailed explanation during the deliberations of the Diet and seek understanding of the bill.

In this, Minister Nishimura said, ``The bill approved by the Cabinet will support the maximum introduction and expansion of renewable energy and take measures to utilize nuclear power on the premise of ensuring safety.'' .

After that, in response to Prime Minister Kishida's instruction to carefully explain the government's policy in order to dispel public anxiety, he said, "We will continue to hold dialogue-type briefings nationwide, including serious discussions in the Diet. , I would like to explain it as easily as possible by various means, "he said, expressing his intention to seek understanding of the bill.