In Sweden, seizures of cocaine and amphetamine increased in 2022 by more than three times compared to 2021. Seizures of tramadol and other narcotic drugs also increased greatly to a total of almost 4 million tablets, according to the Customs Agency's figures.

49,000 seizures of explosive goods is also an increase, where it mainly concerns so-called bangers.

At the same time, seizures of firearms, alcohol and cigarettes decreased.

- If we are to succeed in cracking down on serious gang crime, one of the most important efforts is to combat drug smuggling.

The drug fuels the gangs, says Director General of Customs Charlotte Svensson in a press release.

Seized in Gävleborg

During 2022, among other things, two firearms and ten cartridges were seized in Gävleborg.

Customs made a total of 29 seizures in the county during the year, which is certainly more than twice as many seizures as in 2021, but fewer seizures than in both 2020 and 2019.

- Everything takes time and there has been a lot of training and procurement of material during 2022, says customs inspector Johan Rekke.

The Customs Office's group in Gävle also works cross-county and has been involved in seizures outside the county that do not appear in Gävleborg's figures.

It was in December 2021 that the Swedish Customs Administration inaugurated its new office in Gävle.

At that time, the Swedish Customs Administration had not had an office on site for 17 years, even though Gävle has Sweden's third largest container terminal.

When will it also appear in the county's seizure statistics that you have returned to Gävle?

- I hope that it will show in the near future when we have everything in place, says Johan Rekke.