Malin Svensson (C) from Tärnaby, who is a substitute in the regional council, was pregnant in the summer of 2021 when Lycksele BB was closed.

Due to certain complications, the family had to go to Umeå for checks that would otherwise have been carried out in Lycksele.

When the debate about extra resources for BB was brought up in the regional council, it became emotional when she stepped up to the podium.

See this in the video above.

The alliance: Increase to 13 million for the procurement

The health care board requested an extra 50 million to be able to resume operations, but today was refused by the regional council.

The alliance parties called for an extra 13 million for procurement in 2023. Remaining costs for procurement BB Lycksele are incorporated into the regular budget for 2024.

- Right now they say they want three delivery units, but at the same time don't want to prioritize the money and resources required for that, says Nicklas Sandström (M).

According to him, resources could have been freed up by reducing the administration.

No from the majority

Despite that, there is still political agreement to have three births in the county.

But the region is in a very tough economic situation.

- If you put a budget of minus 326 million, there are no funds, says regional councilor Peter Olofsson (S).

"Is there a government grant"

The health care board is now forced to find the money within existing operations and the majority encourages the board to seek money from the government.

- There are targeted state grants to apply for, says member Emma Lindqvist (MP) to SVT.

The Sweden Democrats requested a budget increase of SEK 40 million for the health and medical care board.

This money would be saved by, among other things, ending LGBTQ diplomas, equality integration or reducing the framework for the regional development board.