On Monday, the message came from the Sweden Democrats: Ten regular members and two substitutes in Klippan will be kicked out of the party.

Reason: Despite a sharp no from the party leadership in Stockholm, two people with a past in a Nazi organization and who were previously excluded from SD were allowed to occupy two positions of trust in, among other things, the children's and education committee.

"We are elected by the people"

But it may happen that the twelve excluded continue to work politically and remain in the council as non-party members, so-called political savages.

So far, two have answered yes to SVT's question about whether they will stay in power.

- We are elected by the people, not by a party, says Jonas Luckman, until now chairman of SD in Klippan and member of the municipal council.

And Oskar Einarsson, who also sits on the council, agrees.

Alliance parties give the thumbs up

All twelve excluded must now meet and discuss the future.

Today, SD Klippan governs together with KD, Our future in Klippan and two moderates.

The question is whether that rule lasts when the SD largely turns into political savages.

And it is not impossible.

Two of the three alliance parties have already given their thumbs up for a continuation.

- I don't see anything preventing it.

We have great confidence in those who have now been excluded.

They are elected by the people and we continue conversations and cooperation, says Robert Larsson (KD).

And the same tones are heard from Vår främt i Klippan.

New party organization is being built

What the moderates think is still unclear - SVT Nyheter has not managed to get in touch with the two who, against their party's will, supported SD to power after the election last autumn.

But there are more question marks.

The Sweden Democrats' leadership wants to try to build a new party organization in Klippan.

- We will hold an extra annual meeting as soon as possible, says SD Skåne chairman Mikael Eskilandersson.