Eija and Calle Björstrand met during the summer of 1970. They both worked in the hotel industry in Småland.

Then it wasn't long before they got engaged.

The wedding took place on Åland, halfway between the two countries.

- I never thought I would move to Sweden, but love brought me here, says Eija.

Spoke Swedish with each other

At first Eija and Calle spoke English to each other but then they switched to Swedish.

The biggest language challenges arose when the couple had to greet each other's families.

Eija told us that it was impossible to have time to translate everyone who was talking to each other.

- Calle already decided in the first fall to start reading Finnish," says Eija with a laugh.

- It is clear that we have learned a lot from each other.

I would say that Finland is like my second homeland, adds Calle.

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See in the video how it happened when Calle was supposed to learn Finnish.

Photo: SVT

See more in 15 minutes from Uutiset in SVT Play.