Thomas Engman believes that Mörrum Hockey used the model as a strategy to avoid tax and social security contributions.

The salary has instead been paid as travel bills – for trips that were never completed, something Blekingesport was the first to tell.

- It's no secret that there are travel bills and it's done so that wages won't be so high.

It was naive and stupid of me to agree then and there.

But it was also a way to help the association, he tells the newspaper.

Today, Engman does not want to elaborate on the criticism of the arrangement in an interview with SVT, and refers to the statement in the newspaper.

The Swedish Tax Agency: "Could be about tax crimes"

No one from the club management wants to confirm or deny whether travel bills have been used to specifically avoid tax and social security contributions.

But according to Engman, he agreed to write them to help the association's financial crisis.

According to the Swedish Tax Agency, it may be a tax crime if this is used systematically in the club.

- A travel invoice should only have been made if a business trip was carried out.

Everything you get from the employer is always taxable in general, says tax lawyer Pia Blank Thörnroos.

She says that it is unclear whether the Swedish Tax Agency may investigate the matter, but that the authority takes this type of incident seriously.