Despite the fact that cannabis is the most used drug in Sweden, cocaine is the most prestigious to sell and one of the gangs' main source of income, says Lennart Karlsson, who is a drug detective with 30 years of experience in the profession.

He is also chairman of the Swedish Narcotics Police Association, which pushed the issue of increased criminalization of narcotics.

- The prices of food are increasing but the price of drugs is decreasing - that says it all, says Lennart Karlsson.

Last year, Swedish customs stopped 770 kg of cocaine on its way into the country in the first ten months alone.

That is an increase of almost 200 percent from the full year 2021.

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Swedish Customs on how drugs enter Sweden

From the port of Rotterdam, cocaine is smuggled throughout the EU

According to Swedish customs and police, the large importation of cocaine into Sweden depends a lot on the proximity to Rotterdam in the Netherlands, which is Europe's largest port.

Together with the port of Antwerp, since 2010 Rotterdam has become a hub for smuggling cocaine to the entire EU.

- The Netherlands has a good infrastructure for trade and the criminals use it to transport the drug to other EU countries, says journalist Jan Meeus who has researched the cocaine trade in the Netherlands.

In the video: Follow SVT's reporter to the Netherlands and why the country is today described as "cocaine's stock market".