In November last year, a man in his 70s was shot dead at Teleborg in Växjö.

The 73-year-old perpetrator could be arrested a day after the fatal shooting.

Now a forensic psychiatric examination shows that the perpetrator did not suffer from a serious mental disorder during the act in question.

The man is also not judged to suffer from any serious disorder during the time the examination was carried out.

This means that the man will not be sentenced to forensic psychiatric care if he is convicted.

Prosecutor Annie Runander has not brought charges yet due to the time taken by the technical investigation, but with a high probability it will be during the month of March.

CUT: Neighbors shocked after the shooting at Teleborg

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Christer Dahl and Armin Casbian are both neighbors of the man in his 70s who was found shot in Växjö on Tuesday evening.

Photo: SVT/Clary Kroon