“Proteins, or proteins, are nutrients that the body needs every day.

They support muscle strength, provide tissue growth, skin elasticity.

Many metabolic processes in the body cannot proceed without the participation of proteins.

Therefore, protein bars are a good source of nutrients,” said the doctor-expert of the Hemotest laboratory.

Despite the benefits of proteins, this does not mean that you need to consume them as much as possible.

Nutritionists have long established the norm of protein food that a person needs, Kashukh added.

She recalled that protein should be 10-15% of the daily diet, or 0.8 g per 1 kg of body weight per day.

That's not much, and most people don't have a protein deficiency in their diet, the doctor said.

“If a person eats a lot of protein bars, he will not improve his health.

In addition, the bars often contain a lot of sugar.

As a result, we get a dessert that is not much healthier than a regular candy,” she warned.

According to the expert, a constant excess of protein in the diet harms the kidneys and liver.

Proteins can also be allergens, so for children with allergies, bars should be introduced into the diet very carefully.

“If you're thinking about adding more protein to your diet, don't mindlessly binge on protein bars.

A consultation with a competent specialist - a nutritionist, a sports doctor - will help assess their need, ”concluded the RT interlocutor.

Earlier, a gastroenterologist called the consequences of drinking very hot drinks in winter.