Anyone who plans to go out into the mountains does best to stay up to date on the avalanche situation.

In three places - southern Jämtlandsfjällen, southern Laplandfjällen and western Vindelfjällen - the risk of avalanches is assessed as "significant", a third on the five-point scale used by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's avalanche forecast service.

Driving snow flakes

In all the above-mentioned areas, there is a warning of drifting snowdrifts, which means that snow blows in and accumulates on the leeward side of slopes.

For Västra Vindelfjällen, there are also problems with flats that are burdened by drifting new snow, a treacherous phenomenon that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

In parallel with this, SMHI has issued a yellow warning for wind combined with snowfall on Calf Mountain, which is valid until Sunday at 4 p.m.

"Unaccustomed visitors are advised not to go out on the mountain," writes SMHI.