Alexandre Chauveau, edited by Laura Laplaud 08:32, February 15, 2023

The deputies have only three days left to examine the pension reform.

If the Nupes has been particularly present so far, both by the number of amendments tabled and by the incidents caused, the National Rally appears much more discreet.

RN deputies struggle to impose themselves in the debates.


Absent from the union processions, discreet in the hemicycle, where have the deputies of the National Rally gone?

In the battle over pension reform, the Nupes has been noisily occupying the National Assembly for ten days.

Marine Le Pen's party is also opposed to the government's text but opts for another rather risky strategy.

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The silence of RN deputies during the debates

However, the Assembly was to be the place of opposition to this reform for the National Rally.

But speaking time is limited.

One of the direct consequences of the thousands of amendments tabled by the Nupes which monopolize the debates so far.

“We absolutely do not hear them”, is almost surprised an ecologist deputy.

Same position, same strategy for the RN

In government, it is the level of RN deputies who question.

"Nothing is clear in their proposals," tackles a senior minister.

Within the party, there is no question of changing strategy.

Marine Le Pen's troops intend to indirectly benefit from the decried attitude of the left, as explained by Jean-Philippe Tanguy, RN deputy for the Somme.

"When I read that the multiplication of amendments would be proof of work, no, you know how to photocopy the amendment 10,000 times, it is not proof of work and above all it prevents you from voting against. So we are people don't like us to talk, they like us to act."

To oppose the reform, the RN hopes to be able to debate Article 7 which raises the retirement age to 64, which makes the party dependent on the left and the possible withdrawal of these amendments.

In the meantime, the National Gathering can only intervene by means of a reminder of the rules.