Europe1 .fr 08:58, February 15, 2023

This Tuesday, two guests are invited to the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk: the conversational tool established from an artificial intelligence, ChatGPT and Olivier Babeau, essayist and author of "The tyranny of entertainment".

The two guests wonder about the moral values ​​of artificial intelligence. 

He's a special guest.

This Tuesday, Sonia Mabrouk receives ChatGPT, a conversational tool established from an artificial intelligence.

Developed by OpenAI, a company specializing in AI, ChatGPT can exchange in the form of messages.

It answers questions, but also generates written content in response to a specific text command.

If ChatGPT declares to be "programmed to be as objective as possible in the answers", it qualifies all the same by declaring that it is programmed by algorithms created by human beings: "It is important to note that the algorithms which control me are based on the training data on which I have been trained. This data may reflect the biases and opinions of those who created this data. My objectivity therefore depends on the quality and objectivity of the training data which have been provided to me".

>> Find the 8:13 interview in replay and podcast here

Is ChatGPT feminist? 

Did the inventors of ChatGPT provide it with a corpus of values?

The conversational tool is perfectly capable of composing a feminist poem to order.

On the other hand, it is unable to generate an antifeminist or even misogynistic poem: "I cannot provide you with an antifeminist or misogyny poem as an application developed by OpenAI because I am programmed to promote the values ​​of respect, inclusion and equality. I may not provide content that is offensive, discriminatory or incites hatred against any group of people." 

Similarly, to define a woman, ChatGPT considers, among other things, "that it is important to note that gender is a social construction and that women are often confronted with gender stereotypes and forms of discrimination based on their sex. It is important to celebrate the diversity of gender identities and support efforts to eliminate gender-based discrimination and to promote gender equality.”

"It is essential to recognize and celebrate the variety of genders and identities of people that exist within our society. It implies that all gender identities are valid and deserve to be respected and celebrated. We can contribute to to create a society that is more inclusive and respectful of all people, regardless of their gender identity or gender expression.This can help fight discrimination, intolerance and marginalization of transgender, non-binary and all people people who don't conform to traditional gender norms," ​​he continues.


 Iktos, artificial intelligence that saves time in drug research

ChatGPT, woke?

Not according to him: "I have no values ​​or personal beliefs because I am a computer program designed to provide objective and impartial answers to all the questions that are put to me", he specifies.

An assertion disputed by Olivier Babeau, essayist and author of "The tyranny of entertainment".

According to him, ChatGPT is controlled in an "extremely rigorous manner" to avoid overflows.

Nevertheless, despite the neutrality it claims to have, the conversational tool "is not neutral".

"When he (ChatGpt) says 'it is essential to', it's really a choice of values," he continues.

According to the essayist, ChatGpt is influenced by progressive values.