President Sandu of Moldova, a neighboring country of Ukraine where Russia continues to invade Ukraine, said at a press conference on the 13th that Russia is using agents to overthrow the current government of Moldova, which is aiming to join the EU = European Union. He severely criticized Russia for obtaining information to do so.

According to President Sandu, this information was received from the Ukrainian side. It is said that personnel will be sent from such as.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also revealed on the 9th of this month that he had provided information to Moldova, saying that he had "intercepted a Russian intelligence agency's plan to destroy the order of Moldova".

"It's an attempt to bring Moldova under Russian control and block the process of joining the EU," Sandu said, accusing him of an attempt to form a pro-Russian government.

In response to this, the Russian Foreign Ministry posted a comment by spokesperson Zakharova on its official website on the 14th, refuting President Sandu's remarks as ``completely groundless and groundless.''

On top of that, he argued, "It's a common practice for Western countries and Ukraine to criticize based on unverifiable information and justify their illegal acts on the basis of it," and that Ukraine will spread false information. criticized for leaking.

Moldova unilaterally declares its independence and has areas where Russian troops continue to be stationed.

On the other hand, according to AFP and other sources, Moldova's aviation authorities temporarily closed its airspace on the 14th, prohibiting aircraft from passing through or landing there.

The Ministry of Defense of Moldova announced on the 10th of this month that a Russian military missile had violated its airspace, and vigilance continues.