The government itself has stated that it will be more difficult to reach the climate target for the transport sector by 2030, after their own decision to lower the reduction obligation to the EU's lowest level from 1 January 2024, with the aim of lowering the price of petrol and diesel.

The reduction obligation means a requirement for fuel suppliers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the fuel in question by a certain percentage.   

The climate minister has not yet presented any concrete proposals for how the 2030 goal is to be reached, but is working on developing a new climate action plan that should be ready this autumn.  

The cooperation party SD has previously said that there is reason to abandon the national climate goals, and recently told Dagens Nyheter that the party should be allowed to participate in the design of the climate action plan. 

"Will reach all our goals"

But it is not relevant according to Romina Pourmokhtari: 

- It is not a political process right now where I sit with the other parties in the collaboration and discuss what measures we want, but it is a process where we are in dialogue with parties such as Fossil-Free Sweden and the industry's various representatives and emails forward proposals. 

- Then that action plan must get support in the Riksdag, but that is at a later stage. 

The climate minister has - despite the lack of ready-made proposals - good hope of reaching the climate goals: -  

This government will do everything we can to achieve all our goals, this applies to the transport goal for 2030 and our climate goal of net zero emissions in 2045.