The Turkish gendarmerie published a video clip on its Twitter account documenting the moments of saving a child with her father in the southern city of Gaziantep, 132 hours after the earthquake. The first request of the 5-year-old Shengul from the paramedics inside the ambulance was to bring her a lot of cola.

Turkish Health Minister Fakhruddin Koca commented in a tweet on the funny dialogue that took place between the child and the paramedic, "She gave life a kiss and asked for cola."

132. SAATTE 5 yaşındaki kızımız Şengül'e ve babasına kavuştuk.

Gaziantep İslahiye'de enkaz altından çıkarılan kızımız hayata bir öpücük verdikten sonra kola istedi.

— Dr.

Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) February 11, 2023

The following is part of the conversation that took place between the child and the paramedic:

Paramedic: What do you want us to get you?

Girl: Yellow cola.

Paramedic: Well, let's get Chingul a Coke, please.

Girl: I want a large amount of it.

Paramedic: How are you going to drink so much cola?

Girl: I will drink it.

Paramedic: You say you're going to drink it, okay, but are you going to do that on the plane or when you land?

Girl: On the plane.

Medic: Well, I wrote your name on the plane now.

Mucizenin adı Şengül…

5 yaşındaki Şengül kızımızı ve babasını yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda 132'nci saatte enkaz altından çıkararak sağlık ekiplerine teslim ettik.

Türkiye Tek Yürek🇹🇷#Jandarma#Deprem#earthquake#Gaziantep

— T.C. Jandarma Gn.

K (@jandarma) February 11, 2023