The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP) and the chairman of the Diet Affairs Committee of the Japan Restoration Party held a meeting and agreed to appeal to the ruling parties and other parties to promote the enactment of lawmakers' legislation to promote understanding of LGBT people. .

At the meeting, we discussed how to deal with legislative legislation to promote understanding of LGBT people, which is expected to be coordinated within the LDP in the future.

They agreed to work on the ruling parties and other opposition parties, saying that the bill should be promptly submitted and enacted.

They also confirmed that they would draw up a bill to abolish income restrictions on child allowances and aim for passage in the current Diet session, and that they would proceed with consideration of making education free of charge.

Azumi, chairman of the Constitutional Democratic Party's Diet Affairs Committee, said, "The understanding promotion law is only the beginning. It's a problem within the Liberal Democratic Party, so I want Prime Minister Kishida to demonstrate leadership as the party's president."

Endo, chairman of the Diet Affairs Committee of the Japan Restoration Party, said, "It is impossible for the opposition parties to proceed alone, and we will work hard to make it a reality, including the Liberal Democratic Party."