Mélanie Faure 6:00 p.m., February 07, 2023

This is one of the main issues on the government's table: cyberbullying.

In the internet age, how not to be trapped by internet pirates?

Our specialists deliver the keys to safe navigation in the program "Bienfait pour vous" on Europe 1. In particular for children and seniors.

They are everywhere.

On the internet, threats arise from all sides.

How to protect yourself and how to navigate safely?

More than ever, the question arises.

Internet pirates are doubling their creativity to trick users: social security, parcels, or even an enticing gift that comes out of nowhere. 

Guest of

Benefit for you

on Europe 1, Gérôme Billois, gives the keys to circumvent the risks.

"Older people are gullible," warns this "cybersecurity" expert at the consulting firm Wavestone.

"When we meet a group of suspicious people, we change the sidewalk and we continue to move forward," he establishes.

"When you have a suspicious email, you click on it! You have to manage to create this reflex of doubt and you have to talk to the elderly about it."

>> Find all the shows of Mélanie Gomez and Julia Vignali from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Europe 1 in replay and podcast here

Parental vigilance in addition to parental control

Among the vulnerable people, children.

Their navigation can represent a risk and the explosion of social networks raises another problem: cyberbullying.

Parents then try to control their habits on the web.

Among the tools, parental control.

But what about the device?

"It is not easy for parents to take in hand," said Justine Atlan, general manager of "E-Enfance".

"It filters pornography and the child's screen time very well. But you shouldn't ask too much of it. It's just a help, it doesn't replace education and supervision."

So how do you support your child?

"It's not a toy that we offer them, it's a communication tool. We have to say what it's going to be used for, like using it and not using it. We have to accompany them on it."

Justine Atlan points out that your child must "identify you as the referent if they have a problem".

"If they think you don't know anything, they're not going to call you if they have a problem."

If your child is a victim of bullying, you can call 30 18 or download the dedicated app for advice or help.