According to the regional police, a resident of Chaikovsky complained to the district police officer that she had not seen her neighbor for a long time.

It turned out that the man lived with his son, but he did not file a statement about the disappearance of a relative.

During the visit, the police felt an unpleasant smell from the threshold, and during the inspection of the apartment they found the body of the missing man wrapped in film and tape in a folding sofa.

“It was established that a year ago, father and son drank alcohol.

During the ensuing quarrel, a 34-year-old man stabbed his relative to death.

According to the suspect, he got scared and hid the body in the sofa.

All this time he lived in their joint apartment, ”the message says.

A criminal case was initiated under the article on murder, the man was taken into custody.

The Russian Investigative Committee previously reported that their son was detained in Moscow on suspicion of murdering an elderly couple.

The detainee said that the motive for the murder was a long disagreement with his parents.