It is in connection with the king celebrating that it is 50 years since he came to the throne that he will visit all the counties in the country.

First up is the residence city in Sörmland.

Comes by train

The program begins in the morning at 10 o'clock when the king and queen arrive at the railway station by train and are received by, among others, the governor and municipal councilor.

Afterwards, the royal couple will visit Sörmland's museum in the harbor area, but the public is not allowed to go there.

Walks in town

At half past twelve there is an opportunity for everyone to see the King and Queen, as they walk to nearby Nyköpinghus to have lunch with invited guests. 

At 1:40 p.m. there will be a new walk, now over the city bridge in the center towards the city hall stairs where the royal couple will arrive at 2 p.m. to take part in the entertainment on Stora torget.

Among other things, the Home Guard's music choir, the cultural school and the Nyköping artist Renaida Braun will perform.

Traffic is affected

The royal visit also means that several car parks and streets are closed along the royal couple's route.

For example, the car parks at the railway station are cordoned off during the morning.

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The love for Stenhammar, the celebratory speeches, the anger towards the critical question: Watch the classic and unique clips from the television archive with the king of Sörmland through the ages.

Photo: SVT