Girl's daycare Lyssa started up in Ljungby last autumn but does not have a physical premises.

Instead, all contact takes place via a chat on the phone.

All girls and children of different ages who feel unwell can turn here.

- For me, this is mostly about girls getting a voice, making themselves heard.

We can help with self-esteem and self-confidence, which I think is very important, says Josefine Eskilsson.

Formed in October last year

Tjejjouren Lyssa belongs to ROKS, the national organization for women's shelters and girls' shelters in Sweden.

It is a non-profit association without any contributions.

But that hasn't stopped Josefine.

- When I was growing up, I didn't know where to turn when I didn't feel well, and that we are now here for girls who don't really know where to turn with their problems.

I think that is extremely important, says Josefine.