It was 16 March last year that three Jas-39 Gripen planes from Skaraborg's air fleet practiced over Lake Vänern.

The flight was a combat exercise with two aircraft against another.

As the two fighters maneuvered towards the target aircraft, they lost visual contact with each other.

This led to a close passage between the aircraft.

The state authority, the National Accident Commission, has now investigated the incident.

"Pressured work situation"

According to the report, relevant risk factors were not noticed before the flight.

This is due to lack of time when planning the flight:

"On a system level, a contributing factor to the lack of time in the preparation of the flight was the pressured work situation on the flotilla where a high ambition to conduct the business was not matched by sufficient resources."

The armed forces have also investigated the incident.

There, too, the lack of time is stated as a reason for the incident.

The Swedish Armed Forces' investigation has also recommended that an analysis be carried out of how the combat aviation divisions should be able to free up more time for planning, carrying out and evaluating flight passes.

SVT Nyheter Väst has previously told about the fighter pilots' working environment, where they were, among other things, dissatisfied with the wages in the industry:

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Hear in the clip why fighter pilot "Björn" took a leave of absence for studies.

Photo: SVT