On February 2, at the main venue of World Wetland Day in China, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration announced that 18 wetlands had been included in the list of internationally important wetlands, and Guangzhou Haizhu National Wetland Park in Guangdong was successfully selected.

  It is reported that the reason why Haizhu Wetland was included in the list of internationally important wetlands is its regional rarity and representativeness. It is the only national wetland park located on the central axis of a super-large city in the country, and it is a very scarce green space in the center of the city.

Guangzhou has given up more than one trillion yuan in commercial development value, with the goal of building a harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and created a precious wealth in the center of the city that "enters nature and exits prosperity".

  At the same time, Haizhu Wetland also has a duoji fruit forest ecosystem with Lingnan characteristics, and has preserved the traditional agricultural culture of Gaoqi and deep ditch that has been passed down for thousands of years, which represents the unique cultural heritage of Lingnan.

It is this rich biological resources and good ecological environment that make Haizhu Wetland provide the necessary ecosystem services for the sustainable development of the city, and has increasingly become a model of harmonious development between man and nature.

  Through ten years of continuous exploration and practice, Haizhu Wetland has summed up a set of urban central wetland restoration models and technologies.

Taking the key technology of bird habitat construction as the main line, guided by ecological theories such as wetland ecology, landscape ecology, animal ecology, and restoration ecology, from the perspective of maintaining ecological balance, restoring bird diversity and ecological functions, and improving ecological Starting from the quality of the system, build a diversified habitat suitable for the life and reproduction of wetland birds, carry out independent innovation of key technologies for bird habitat construction, and carry out technology integration and promotion with wetland park design, breaking through the central wetland bird habitat The technical bottleneck constructed has allowed the wetland bird population to grow continuously, and the biodiversity has been significantly improved.

  As of January 2023, the wetland rate will reach 79.4%, the number of bird species in Haizhu Wetland will increase from 72 to 187, which is 2.6 times the original amount, the number of insect species will increase from 66 to 738, and the number of fish species will increase from 36 to 64. kind.

Among them, there is 1 species of national first-level key protected birds, 27 species of national second-level key protected birds such as swan geese, jacanas, mandarin ducks, white-breasted jadeites, brown-winged cuckoos, and thrushes, and Chinese flower turtles and ratites on the IUCN Red List. , Chinese soft-shelled turtle and other 20 species.

  Since China joined the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat in 1992, 82 wetlands of international importance have been designated, including 81 in the Mainland and 1 in Hong Kong.

Up to now, the number of internationally important wetlands in Guangdong Province has been expanded to 6, including: Haifeng Wetland in Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserve, Huidong Port Sea Turtle Nature Reserve, Guangdong Nanpeng Islands Marine Ecology National Nature Reserve, Haizhu National Wetland Park in Guangzhou, Guangdong, and Futian Mangrove Wetland in Shenzhen, Guangdong.

  (CCTV News client headquarter reporter Chen Huiting and Wei Yao)