Husqvarna Group has just built a new warehouse at southern Stigamo south of Jönköping.

Between the warehouse and the factory in Huskvarna, trucks make several trips per day.

One of these trucks is now electric, which according to the company is unusual among trucks and they go so far as to call the electric truck the first of its kind in Jönköping County.

- This is our first step that we want to learn from.

I am quite sure that in the future we will see more electric trucks, says Mats Johansson who is responsible for logistics at Husqvarna.

Positive drivers

Christian Robertsson is a truck driver and has never driven an electric truck before - until now.

- I can imagine that it will be really good on some runs.

Such runs as I run, for example, when running local loops.

You get by all day on the battery, so I'm satisfied.

See when SVT Nyheter got to go along for a ride in the clip above.