- I think historians will describe a society that is very globalized because the spread of infection was very fast.

Corona was record-breaking, says Radu Dino.

Historians use events and phenomena to understand how societies functioned.

It is a way of reflecting society and explaining history to posterity.

Comparisons are often made with previous pandemics and epidemics.

According to Radu Dino, many events have repeated themselves during the corona pandemic from previous pandemics.

- There were no unequivocal answers about measures and there are historical precedents for that.

For example, during the Spanish flu, there were similar contradictions as to whether or not to recommend mouth protection.

- During the bubonic plague, people fled the cities and it also happened during the corona pandemic, but to a lesser extent, he says.

In the clip, Radu Dino tells three things that will go down in the history books about the covid-19 pandemic.

The rise of conspiracy theories

Something else that has repeated itself is the rise of conspiracy theories.

During the coronapandmein, several have flourished.

According to Radu Dino, previous research shows that people may begin to believe in conspiracy theories when trying to understand complex issues in times of crisis.

Battles within the research community are commonplace, and therefore you often don't get clear answers.

- We have developed and we are much more aware today.

At the same time, we cannot convince everyone that conspiracy theories are not true, says Radu Dino.