The “Abu Dhabi Appeal” upheld the ruling of the first instance

110 thousand dirhams in compensation for a worker who suffered a work injury

Abu Dhabi Appeal confirmed that the papers are free of worker negligence.


The Abu Dhabi Court of Appeal for Family, Civil and Administrative Cases upheld a ruling by the Court of First Instance that obligated a company to pay a worker an amount of 110 thousand dirhams in compensation for his injury during the performance of his work.

In detail, a worker filed a lawsuit against a contracting company, in which he demanded that it compel it to pay him 170 thousand dirhams in compensation for material, moral and moral damages, indicating that the company mistakenly caused his injury while working for it and a criminal judgment of conviction was issued against it, while the company's agent submitted a note pleading not to The court's jurisdiction is qualitative due to the jurisdiction of the Labor Court, and the case was not accepted because the dispute was not presented to the Ministry of Labor, and the case was not heard after a year had passed from the date of maturity of the claimed right.

The company was not satisfied with this judiciary, so it filed its appeal, and censured the appealed ruling for the error in applying the law and violating it when it turned away from the argument that the court had no jurisdiction over the dispute and the jurisdiction of the labor court, since the relationship it had with the appellant was a work relationship, and that he worked for it, and that the injury that occurred to him was during work, and the worker had to resort to the Ministry of Labor before filing the lawsuit.

In the merits of the ruling, the court stated that it was proven from reviewing the criminal ruling that the company was convicted of the charge attributed to it and punished with a fine of 10,000 dirhams for the charge of not taking the necessary precautions to protect the worker from work risks, noting that the penal ruling decided decisively on a matter related to the occurrence of the act that formed the common basis between Criminal and civil lawsuits.

She pointed out that the criminal judgment was devoid of any indication that the worker contributed to the injury through a fault he bore, which makes this obituary unsupported by reality or law, and ruled to uphold the appealed judgment and obligated the company to pay the expenses.

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